

What do you receive as an NHS patient?
Everyone is entitled to a comprehensive range of NHS treatment, advice and care you need to keep your teeth, mouth and gums as healthy as possible. Your dentist will explain which treatments are available on the NHS and which are private to allow you to make an informed decision about your treatment and to understand related costs.

Treatments that you can receive on the NHS include:

  • certain type of bridges
  • metal crowns for back teeth, white for front teeth
  • amalgam fillings for back teeth, white fillings for front teeth
  • root canal treatment
  • preventive advice and treatment for gum disease
  • orthodontic braces (according to strict criteria)
  • extractions (tooth removal)
  • dentures or false teeth

Cosmetic procedures will usually need to be paid for privately.

Childsmile programme
Dental practices can provide preventive care as part of the Childsmile programme for children up to 17 years of age. Maintaining good oral health depends on good diet, regular tooth brushing and intervention from the dental practice. The good habits and preventive care learned through the Childsmile programme need to be maintained in older children.

Preventive Care programme for adults
From 1 November 2023, you may notice that there are some changes to the way your NHS dental treatment is delivered. Based on NICE guidance, your dentist will determine how often you should have a NHS dental examination based on your treatment needs to ensure the best possible care. This may range from less than 6 months to every 2 years. If you are seen less often than 12 months then this is a sign of good oral health. It is important that you attend when recommended and don’t miss appointments.

Adults will continue to be offered a treatment plan which includes an extensive clinical examination. You’ll then receive any further treatments to manage and improve your oral health.

During your NHS dental examination you may be asked about any changes to your medical history, medication or any new allergies. You’ll also be asked about any changes you have noticed such as lumps, bumps or ulcers or if you are having any specific problems. You may also be asked if you smoke or drink alcohol, and if so, how much.

After they’ve established how your general health is, the dental team will do the following:

-examine your mouth including your teeth, gums and tongue
-advise you on how you can keep your mouth healthy
-explain any treatments you may need – if you do need dental treatment they’ll advise you of your options, including what treatments can be carried out on the NHS
-explain any treatment cost

During periods of time between dental examinations, if you have concerns about your oral health, particularly around any lumps, bumps or ulcers in the lining of your mouth, then you may wish to contact your dentist at the earliest opportunity and they will be able to see you sooner.

Your treatment plan
If you need treatment, your dentist will provide you with a treatment plan. A treatment plan is a document that helps to explain the treatment you need and what it will involve. It will also detail an estimate of how much the treatment will cost you. You may be exempt from NHS patient charges.

You can ask for a treatment plan whenever any treatment has been recommended for you. If you want to take a copy away with you, your dentist can arrange this. Ask a member of your dental team if you need help understanding your treatment plan.

Who is entitled to free treatment on the NHS?
NHS treatment is free for:

  • everyone aged under 26
  • people who are pregnant or have given birth in the last 12 months
  • those with certificated exemption from patient charge because of income or receipt of certain benefits

If you are exempt from patient charges during a course of treatment, tell the dentist and ensure that you bring the evidence with you.

Around 40% of all patients are exempt from paying a contribution towards the cost of their NHS dental care.

NHS Low Income Scheme

Others may be entitled to dental treatment at a reduced cost through the NHS Low Income Scheme (LIS). The LIS helps towards some or all of the cost of NHS patient charges for those who are not automatically entitled to free treatment, who may have difficulty in paying. Help under the scheme is income-related and based on an assessment of each person’s ability to pay.

What is prior approval?
Your dentist may inform you that they have to apply for prior approval before your treatment can be started. Dentists are required to seek approval from the NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) Practitioner Services, for certain treatments and/or treatment plans of high value. This process may take a little time and delay your treatment slightly.

Are all treatments available on the NHS?
Not all clinical procedures performed by dentists are available on the NHS. Procedures which are cosmetic or aesthetic in nature are usually only available privately. For example, white fillings, tooth whitening or dental implants.

Your dentist will be able to explain what treatment is and isn’t allowed on the NHS. If, for example, you wish to mix NHS and private treatment on the one tooth, such as an NHS root canal treatment with a private white filling, then this is allowed. Your dentist can provide you with an estimate of costs involved.

The following table sets out patient charges for common treatment items. The overall NHS fee paid will vary from patient to patient depending on the overall treatment plan require, but you will never pay more than £384 for a course of treatment.

Most patients with good oral health would require an examination, X-rays every so often and preventive advice.

Dental Care Patient Charge
Check-up (examination) 0
Check-up and preventive advice (which can include a scale only if deemed necessary) £16.64
Two small X-rays £11.68
One large X-ray of teeth and jaws £14.36
Course of oral hygiene and deep gum cleaning (over 1 – 4 separate appointments) From £34.16
Small white filling (front tooth) £22.48
Small metal filling (back tooth) £13.48
Large metal filling (back tooth) £28.76
Root canal treatment From £100.64
Additional fee for a re-root canal treatment £46.72
Single Crown (for those 17 years or over only) From £158.2
Simple extraction (per tooth) £30.56
Surgical / complex extraction (per tooth) From £58.44
Complete upper and lower set of dentures 344.32

